If you or someone you know is facing homelessness please call NHDC on: 01462 474000 or 0300 777 4125 (out of hours)
State you want to make a telephone referral.
Alternatively scroll down this page & click Contact StreetLink.
Helping Herts Homeless is a registered charity
We are run entirely by volunteers and focus on addressing the problems of homelessness in Hertfordshire.
We raise money through the efforts of our fundraising team along with donations from individuals, businesses and other organisations. We act as a hub linking to & supporting other charities and organisations who are directly involved in alleviating homelessness across the county. We own The Sanctuary building in Hitchin which is managed by One YMCA who provide accommodation and support services to their service users. Our aim is to raise money and awareness of homelessness providing targeted support where it is needed.


StreetLink connects individuals experiencing homelessness and requiring urgent support, with local services.
Use the StreetLink app to tell services where you have seen someone sleeping rough so they can get the help they need.
Follow the links to our social media or click on the newsletters below to get the latest updates on our activities.
Contact us if you have ideas or would like to support us.
What We Do
Providing targeted support to improve the lives of homeless people
Help make a difference by making a donation, however big or small
Do you have specific skills/experience or just want to lend a hand?
If you’ve got a fundraising idea or want to join one of our events
We are fortunate to have some wonderful partners – will you join us?
Show your support by coming to one of our events
Latest News
Organising a fundraiser event?
We’d love to promote it
Connect with Helping Herts Homeless
Thank you so much to Paul, Pippa, the musicians and lots of volunteers from both Christchurch Hitchin and Helping Herts Homeless, as well as everyone who supported by attending the event, for such a great evening last Saturday. The Barn Dance raised a grand total of £831.87! This is a fantastic result and every penny will be used to support local homeless people. 🙏
Thanks to Laura from Herts Young Homeless for coming along to our AGM this evening. It was great to hear how through education you help prevent homelessness amongst young people. Thanks too to Bernard for talking to us about Black Squirrel Credit Union who also help prevent homelessness by providing low cost loans to people who may not be eligible with other lenders. We have been able to support both charities this year through the generosity of our supporters. Thanks also to The Vic Hitchin for kindly hosting the meeting.
12 Days of Giving This year your kindness has touched countless lives, from hot meals to educational opportunities. Let’s end 2024 on a high note and continue spreading hope into 2025. Thank you for being part of the journey and making a difference. Visit our website to volunteer and/ or donate. www.helpinghertshomeless.org.uk Let’s make 2025 even brighter! #SeasonOfGiving #12DaysOfGiving
12 Days of Giving Everyone deserves a little holiday cheer. Your donations have funded a Christmas celebration for Resolve who support the treatment and rehabilitation of people suffering from addiction and homelessness. Thank you for making this possible. Follow along as we share your impact. #12DaysofGiving